Two new CREGÉS research projects to receive funding from FRQSC

New research brief: “À l’épreuve de la COVID-19 : Témoignages de personnes ayant vécu la pandémie à partir d’un CHSLD montréalais”
22 June 2023
New research project being led by a CREGÉS member
3 July 2023
New research brief: “À l’épreuve de la COVID-19 : Témoignages de personnes ayant vécu la pandémie à partir d’un CHSLD montréalais”
22 June 2023
New research project being led by a CREGÉS member
3 July 2023

New funding has recently been granted to two major projects led by members of the Center for Research and Expertise in Social Gerontology (CREGÉS).

The two new projects will be supported by the Fonds de recherche du Québec – Société et culture (FRQSC), as part of the Action concertée | Programme de recherche-action pour un vieillissement actif de la population du Québec.


The FRQSC grants funding to Darla Fortune for a project on good treatment (bientraitance)

One project, entitled Les pratiques bientraitantes dans les centres pour aînés et la promotion du vieillissement actif (“Good treatment practices in senior centers and the promotion of active aging”), is being led by CREGÉS researcher Darla Fortune (Concordia University). This three-year project, which aims to promote the good treatment (bientraitance) of older adults in the community, has been granted $214,186. Sandra Smele, coordinator of the CREGÉS Domain of Expertise in Inclusive Aging, Diversity, Health and Well-Being (IDSB), as well as CREGÉS members Meghan Joy (Concordia University) and Ginette Aubin (Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières), will contribute to this project.

Project led by Élise Milot receives a grant for research on the inclusion of adults with intellectual disabilities

The other project receiving funding through the same program will be led by Élise Milot (Université Laval), researcher member of the CREGÉS, and is called Mise en place du mentorat actif pour favoriser l’inclusion sociale et le vieillissement actif des personnes aînées présentant une déficience intellectuelle (“Implementation of active mentoring to promote social inclusion and active aging among older people with intellectual disabilities”). A sum of $222,181 was awarded to this three-year project.

Among the co-researchers on this project are Marie Grandisson (Université Laval) and Martin Caouette (Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières), both members of Cirris, Camille Gauthier-Boudreault (Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières), as well as Émilie Raymond (Université Laval) and Julie Beauchamp (Université Laval), both research members of the CREGÉS. Loc Cory and Monique Maltais, from the Regroupement québécois du parrainage citoyen, are partners on the project.


We would like to congratulate our members for obtaining this funding, which will contribute to the advancement of their important research projects!