Memoir – Countering Mistreatment of Older Adults

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Interactive workshops for families caring for someone living with serious illness
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As part of the consultations related to the development of the next Plan d’action gouvernemental pour contrer la maltraitance envers les personnes aînées 2022-2027, the CIUSSS West-Central Montreal, in virtue of its designation as a University-Affiliated Center in social gerontology, produced a memoir bringing together the perspective of CREGÉS researchers and research-practitioners, the Help Line for Elder Abuse (LAAA) and researchers from the Institut universitaire au regard des communautés ethnoculturelles (IU-SHERPA).

Congratulations to the many authors (Couture, M., Aubin, G, Beauchamp, J., Beaulieu, M., Bédard, M.-È., Brotman, S., Drolet, M.-J., Hanley, J., Hebblethwaite, S., Lafontaine, C., Lecompte, M., Lord, M.-M., Montpetit, C., Sawchuk, K., Smele, S., Soulières, M. and Wallach, I.) and to Mélanie Couture, PhD, Institutional researcher and scientific director of the UETMISSS at CREGÉS of the CIUSSS West-Central Montreal, for her scientific leadership of this important contribution!

Consult the memoir (in French)