Brief presented as part of the consultation Pour une société où il fait bon vieillir for the government action plan Vieillir et vivre ensemble 2024-2029

Policy brief

April 2023

This brief (available only in French) is presented as part of the consultation Pour une société où il fait bon vieillir for the governmental action plan Vieillir et Vivre ensemble 2024-2029. It is the result of collaboration between members of the CREGÉS and Équipe de recherche en partenariat Vieillissement, exclusions et solidarités (VIES). The brief presents recommendations backed by recent scientific findings in the social sciences in Quebec, Canada and internationally. It aims to contribute to the debates surrounding the development of the third governmental action plan Vieillir et vivre ensemble 2024-2029.

A summary sheet of the brief (also in French) is also presented below, outlining the main themes and recommendations addressed in the document.