Tous concernés : outil de soutien au développement et à la révision des politiques de lutte contre la maltraitance envers les aînés et toute autre personne majeure en situation de vulnérabilité



The purpose of this tool is to support establishments in the health and social services network in the process of developing and revising their policy to combat mistreatment of older adults and other vulnerable persons, in order to ensure compliance with the Act to combat mistreatment of older people and other vulnerable persons.


It was written by a team from the CREGÉS of the Directorate of Academic Affairs and Research Ethics (DAAER) of CIUSSS West-Central Montreal, made up of:

  • Sarita Israel, Coordinator of the Domain of Expertise to Counter Mistreatment of Older Adults
  • Mélanie Couture, regular researcher, CREGÉS and holder of the Research Chair on Mistreatment of Older Adults
  • Sandra Smele, Coordinator of the Domain of Expertise Inclusive Aging, Diversity, Health, and Well-Being (IDSB)
  • Anne-Sophie Dubé, Project Manager – Research and evaluation, Health and Social Care Technology and Intervention Assessment for the Domain of Expertise to Counter MIstreatment of Older Adults