Explorer l’impact de la pratique de la présence attentive (mindfulness) sur la réduction des pensées négatives répétitives chez les personnes proches aidantes de personnes vivant avec un trouble neurocognitif majeur : une approche transdiagnostique de la santé mentale et du bien-être psychologique

Narrative review


This narrative review was carried out as part of the development of a leading-edge practice in order to better address needs identified by practitioners. Its purpose is to analyze the impact of interventions aimed at reducing negative thoughts among caregivers of those living with a major neurocognitive disorder. The publication includes a systematized narrative review presenting a state of knowledge, synthesis, and overview of the scientific literature published on three research axes, namely caregivers of people living with a major neurocognitive disorder, repetitive negative thoughts, and mindfulness practice.

(Available in French only)
