Student Day | Journée étudiante CREGÉS-VIES 2024 | Agir sur la marginalisation des personnes agées

Post-Symposium Student Day
Date: May 28, 2024
Schedule: 09:00 to 16:00
Cout : $30
Organizers(s): CREGÉS, Équipe de recherche VIES
Location: Concordia University, Henry F. Hall Building, Department of Political Science, 1455 boul. Maisonneuve Ouest, 12th floor, room H-1220
Webcast option: No
Language: French

The day after the symposium, a Student Day will be held on the theme of knowledge transfer and mobilization.

In the morning, join the principal investigators of the three research projects presented at the symposium to discuss the strategies they used to reach target audiences and disseminate results.

Afterward, you’ll have the opportunity to attend two workshops: the first will focus on active knowledge creation and ideation using the Lego Serious Play method, with Patrick Hebert of the Carrefour des savoirs. Another workshop will focus on the existing links between the social sciences and the arts, exploring the arts-based knowledge translation, led by Sabrina Lessard (CREGÉS and Université de Montréal) and Émilie Cormier (student, Université du Québec à Montréal).

→ The student day is open to all interested students attending the symposium.
→ Places are very limited.
→ At registration, we ask for $30, which will be refunded to those who attend the symposium.
→ Certain other expenses incurred by student members of CREGÉS or VIES will be reimbursed.

Location: Concordia University, Henry F. Hall Pavilion, Department of Political Science, 1455 de Maisonneuve Blvd. West, 12th floor, room H-1220.

Please register for both days using the symposium registration form.

For more information on the CREGÉS-VIES symposium Agir sur la marginalisation des personnes âgées : Des savoir à l’action

This student day will take place in French. 

Register now