COVID-19 : Mieux soutenir les personnes proches aidantes de résidents en CHSLD

CREGÉS Conference
Date: February 11, 2021
Schedule: 12:00 to 13:00
  • Anna Andrianova, Coordinator, Domain of Expertise in Caregiving, CREGÉS
  • Margaux Reiss
Organizers(s): CREGÉS, CvP Continuum Aînés
Location: Location Text English
Webcast option: Yes
Language: French

The COVID-19 pandemic particularly affected people living in long-term care settings (CHSLDs). Faced with the rapid evolution of the first wave, these settings had to quickly respond to the various challenges while dealing with many pre-existing gaps in material, human and financial resources. These various responses had a significant impact on both residents and their caregivers. Based on a quick literature review and a consultation with experts, this presentation will highlight the principal needs of caregivers of residents in CHSLDs in the context of COVID-19, propose several inspiring practices to address them and make recommendations. This presentation is intended for healthcare providers and managers.